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BASF Report 2021 Management’s Report – Health and Safety, Emergency Response 120 Unfortunately, there was one fatal work-related accident in 2021 2025 target restrictions associated with the coronavirus pandemic, in-person (2020: 1). At the Geismar site in Louisiana, an employee of a con- seminars were again held as virtual meetings or taught using web- tractor died while performing maintenance work. The accident is still Reduction of worldwide based applications in 2021. being investigated by the local authorities. BASF is assisting the process safety incidents inquiry into the circumstances and cause of the accident. We use per 200,000 working hours ≤ 0.1 We play an active role in improving process safety around the world the findings to take appropriate measures to prevent this from hap- in internal and external networks, through our involvement in organi- pening again. Such measures include regular informational events zations such as the International Council of Chemical Associations and awareness-raising campaigns. In order to maintain the highest level of safety at our plants across their (ICCA), the European Process Safety Centre (EPSC) or the Center entire life cycles, we verify that our protection concepts, safety reviews for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), and by fostering dialog with We actively share insights to further increase occupational safety and resulting safety measures have been carried out in all our plants government institutions. and continually improve our processes and methods. For example, at timely intervals based on risk potential. We regularly update our For more information on process safety, see we evaluate trends in data, analyze accidents and potential inci- plants’ safety and security concepts, taking into particular account dents, and share knowledge and best practices within our global new technological opportunities and regulatory developments. network of experts and as part of safety initiatives. We also seek Health protection dialog with government institutions and are actively involved in We use the number of process safety incidents (PSI) per 1 external occupational safety initiatives and networks around the 200,000 working hours as a reporting indicator. We have set our- Our global corporate health management serves to promote and world led, for example, by the European Chemical Industry Council selves the goal of reducing process safety incidents to a rate of no maintain the health and productivity of our employees. Our occupa- (CEFIC) or national associations such as the German Chemical more than 0.1 per 200,000 working hours by 2025. In 2021, we tional health standards are specified in a binding global requirement, Industry Association or the American Chemistry Council. recorded 0.3 process safety incidents per 200,000 working hours the implementation of which is the responsibility of our sites and For more information on occupational safety, see worldwide (2020: 0.3). We investigate every incident in detail, even subsidiaries. They are supported in this task by a global network of under the constraints of the coronavirus pandemic, analyze causes experts. The Environmental Protection, Health & Safety unit in the and use the findings to derive suitable measures. We share the find- Corporate Center conducts regular audits to monitor compliance Process safety ings in our global network in the interest of continuous improvement. with the standards. Process safety is a core part of safe, effective and thus sustainable Around the world, we promote the reduction of process safety inci- We raise employee awareness of health topics with offerings tailored production. We meet high safety standards in the planning, construc- dents and improve risk awareness with a culture of dealing openly to specific target groups. The BASF health checks form the founda- tion and operation of our plants around the world. These meet and, with mistakes and initiatives to foster dialog around safety risks. To tion of our global health promotion program and are offered to in some cases, go beyond local legal requirements. reduce process safety incidents, we focus in particular on technical employees at regular intervals. measures and on a leadership culture that places even greater Our global guidelines provide the framework for the safe construc- emphasis on process safety, such as in the PM Global Safety Relay We measure our performance in health protection using the tion and operation of our plants as well as the protection of people Race initiative in the Performance Materials division. Avoiding and Health Performance Index (HPI). This has five components: recog- and the environment. Our experts have developed a safety concept detecting all leaks was again a key priority in 2021 with the Zero nized occupational diseases, medical emergency drills, first aid, for every plant that considers the key aspects of safety, health and Loss of Containment Mindset initiative in North America and the preventive medicine and health promotion. Each component con- environmental protection – from plant design to the end of the pro- Zero Leakage initiative in South America. tributes a maximum of 0.2 to the total score, meaning that the duction phase – and that sets out specific safety measures. Regular highest possible score is 1.0. We aim to reach a value of more than implementation checks ensure that all aspects of process safety In addition, we are continually refining and expanding our training 0.9 every year. With an HPI of 0.96, we once again reached this comply with the safety concept and are always up to date. methods and offerings to increase risk awareness. Due to the target in 2021 (2020: 0.92). As in 2020, the figure is slightly lower 1 Hours worked by BASF employees, temporary employees and contractors

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