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BASF Report 2021 Management’s Report – Health and Safety, Emergency Response 119 Health and Safety, Emergency Response requirements. The Environmental Protection, Health & Safety unit in end devices and special apps for day-to-day tasks such as safety GRI 102, 103, 403, 410, 413, 418 the Corporate Center conducts regular audits to monitor this. As inspections, which continuously improves the efficiency and quality SUPPLIERS BASF CUSTOMERS part of our continuous improvement process, we regularly monitor of our processes. Other areas of application for digital solutions progress toward our goals. We have defined our reporting indicators include efficiently simulating maintenance and production processes For occupational and process safety as well as corporate in accordance with the reporting standard developed by the Interna- in digital plant models and predictive maintenance. At the Lud- security and health and environmental protection, we rely tional Council of Chemical Associations. wigshafen site in Germany, for example, over 40 plants already use on comprehensive preventive measures and expect the predictive maintenance models to monitor plant components such cooperation of all employees and contractors. Our safety and We promote risk awareness for every individual with measures as compressors, pumps and heat exchangers. security concepts serve to protect our employees, contrac- such as systematic hazard assessments, specific and ongoing tors and neighbors, to prevent property and environmental qualification measures and a wide range of safety initiatives. We damage, and to protect information and company assets. analyze accidents and incidents as well as their causes and conse- Occupational safety quences in detail at a global level to learn from these. Hazard At a glance assessments and the risk minimization measures derived from them Our aim is to reduce the worldwide lost-time injury rate to no more 1 by 2025. To prevent work- are an important prevention tool. We also promote regular dialog than 0.1 per 200,00 working hours 0.3 0.3 across different sites to strengthen risk awareness among our related accidents, we encourage and promote risk-conscious Lost-time injuries Process safety incidents employees and contractors, to learn from examples of good prac- behavior and safe working practices, learning from incidents and per 200,000 working hours per 200,000 working hours tice and in this way, continually develop our safety culture. regular dialog. We are constantly refining and enhancing our require- ments and training. ▪ Global health and safety standards Leaders are important role models for employees, which is why ▪ Strengthening risk awareness and mindful behavior environmental protection, health, safety and security are discussed 2025 target with newly appointed senior executives. Senior executives with a ▪ Intensive dialog on safety topics particular responsibility for such topics, for example, in production, Reduce the worldwide ▪ Regular review of safety concepts, emergency systems and crisis also receive specific further training to be able to meet their respon- lost-time injury rate per management structures sibilities. Due to the restrictions caused by the coronavirus pan- 200,000 working hours ≤ 0.1 ▪ Comprehensive protection measures against third-party demic, the seminars for senior executives were held virtually in 2021. interference Other events and initiatives in 2021 also focused on the high rele- vance of safety topics and dialog among our leaders. These included In addition to the legally required briefings, BASF requires new regular town halls for senior executives, the Lead with Safety initia- employ ees and contractors to complete compulsory health and Strategy tive in North America and the Visible Leadership in EHS @ CP safety training, as well as regular training on the safe handling of initiative in the Petrochemicals division. chemicals and the correct use of personal protective equipment for The safety of our employees, contractors and neighbors, and pro- employees at our production sites. Due to the coronavirus pan- tecting the environment is our top priority. This is why we have set Numerous digital solutions and applications are used in BASF’s demic, there was a greater focus on the safety aspects of remote ourselves ambitious goals for occupational and process safety as production plants to further increase safety, security, planning capa- working in 2021. well as health protection. We stipulate mandatory global standards bility and availability. For example, we had introduced augmented for occupational and process safety, emergency response and 1 reality solutions at around 340 plants worldwide as of the end of In 2021, 0.3 work-related accidents per 200,000 working hours health protection. Our sites and subsidiaries are responsible for 2021. We plan to implement these at more than 80 other plants by occurred at BASF sites worldwide (2020: 0.3). The share of chemi- implementing and complying with internal guidelines and legal the end of 2022. At many sites, our employees already use mobile cal-related accidents declined slightly to 4% (2020: 6%). 1 Hours worked by BASF employees, temporary employees and contractors

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