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BASF Report 2021 Management’s Report – Health and Safety, Emergency Response 121 than in previous years due to the coronavirus pandemic. Conse- seminars and interactive events on regeneration under the banner authorities or neighboring companies. Additional teams may be quently, a number of criteria crucial to the HPI could not be fully met of “Recharge yourself.” Focus topics were physical activity, nutrition called in depending on the extent of the damage and how or measures could not be performed as usual in the reporting year. and relaxation. Over 444 sites worldwide took part, offering events it develops. These included activities that required physical participation such as such as workshops, courses, lectures or exercises. emergency drills, examinations or first aider training. For example, the Global Crisis Management Support Team (GCMS), In October 2021, BASF SE’s Corporate Health Management unit led by a member of the Board of Executive Directors, was activated ® Award from the European In 2021, 36 work-related illnesses among BASF employees world- received the European Responsible Care in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. It provides the strate- wide were documented as recognized occupational diseases Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) in the category “Supporting gic direction for crisis management and is supported by issue- (2020 : 26). The main recognized occupational diseases are health in COVID-19 times” for its wide-ranging activities and inno- specific and specialist working groups. occupational asthma, hearing loss, skin diseases, musculoskeletal vative approaches to fight the coronavirus pandemic – bundled disorders and cancer. under the motto of “Protect yourself and others.” Safety and emergency drills are also conducted regularly at site and For more information on occupational medicine, health campaigns and the HPI, see Group level. The number of employees and partners involved varies In 2021, we continued the measures to fight the coronavirus depending on the type of exercise. pandemic developed and successfully implemented at our sites in 2020, adapted to the local infection situation in each case. By Emergency response, corporate and cyber security We are actively involved in external networks, which quickly provide sharing information in our BASF medical network and working information and assistance in emergencies. These include the Inter- closely together with the authorities, employee representatives and We create working conditions and an environment in which our national Chemical and Environmental (ICE) initiative and the German our partners at BASF sites, we were able to make and implement employees can work safely. The focus of our emergency and Transport Accident Information and Emergency Response System sound and timely decisions according to the situation. Our actions crisis management is therefore on the safety of our employees, (TUIS), in which BASF plays a coordinating role. In 2021, we pro- focused on the health of all of our employees, contractors and third plants and sites as well as our communities. We are well prepared at vided assistance to public emergency response agencies and other parties. Measures included providing information to and raising global, regional and local level for exceptional situations such as companies in 138 cases (2020: 112). This included information on awareness among employees, tracing and breaking infection chains, major incidents or pandemics thanks to our extensive regulations chemicals and their proper disposal, on-site operational support for and vaccination services. For example, we set up our own corona- and measures for emergency preparedness, emergency response transportation accidents involving hazardous goods, or information virus vaccination center at our largest site in Ludwigshafen, and crisis management. All incidents are carefully followed up on to on human biomonitoring. We apply the experience we have gath- Germany. More than 22,000 primary vaccinations and more than identify potential for improvement, which is integrated into existing ered to improve our own processes and set up similar systems in 21,000 secondary vaccinations were administered there from April concepts as needed. Unusual incidents are recorded and reported other countries. to August 2021, and more than 10,000 booster vaccinations were centrally in accordance with a standard Group-wide procedure administered in December to BASF employees, contractors and site (e-Rapid Incident Report). This enables us to identify risks at an The corporate security requirements for site security are set out in partners. Another focus in 2021 was on influenza prevention. BASF early stage and, if necessary, initiate appropriate relief and commu- a global guideline. Local implementation by our sites and subsidi- employees could be vaccinated against the seasonal flu at many nication measures. aries is regularly audited and continuously improved. Respect for sites around the world, an offer that was very well received. At the human rights is a mandatory element of our requirements. Aspects Ludwigshafen site in Germany, for example, around 6,800 employ- Incidents are initially handled by the local crisis organization or local of human rights relevant to site security are a component of the ees participated in the influenza vaccination campaign. emergency response team. We have implemented precautionary global code of conduct and qualification requirements for our inter- organizational measures with clearly defined responsibilities and nal and external security personnel. We analyze the potential safety In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the Global Health Campaign procedures at all sites for this purpose. The responsible persons and security risks associated with investment projects and strategic 2021 was again devoted to the personal health of our employees. receive regular training. Depending on the situation, we also involve plans, and define appropriate safety and security concepts. Our The program included a wide range of in-person and virtual business partners and our sites’ communities, such as local

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