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Biodiversity BASF Report 2021 Management’s Report – Biodiversity 139 III protected area as defined by the International Union for Conser- to optimize our products on an ongoing basis. It is important to con- Good to know 1 vation of Nature. None of our production sites are adjacent to a sider the potential impacts of product use on biodiversity, for example, UNESCO protected area. with regard to the biodiversity loss driver of pollution. We have adopted biodiversity as a criterion in decision-making For example, we evaluate our products and solutions in crop pro- processes. In addition, we systematically consider sustainability tection and seeds throughout the entire research, development aspects when deciding whether to invest in the construction of new and registration process. After they have been approved for the sites or expand existing ones. Aspects assessed include the poten- market, we continue assessing them regularly for potential risks and tial impacts on forests and biodiversity. impact to the ecosystems in which they are used. We have initiated various projects and offer training to prevent misuse of our products We are implementing local measures to protect biodiversity at a (see page 124). number of sites. In Clermont, France, for example, grassed areas were converted into biodiversity-friendly spaces, nesting boxes for All types of land development, such as agriculture and forestry, swallows and other bird species were installed, and their population play a role in changing biodiversity (biodiversity loss driver: land-use sizes were measured and documented. In addition, training was change). Activities such as tillage, drainage, fertilization and the use Initiative to preserve the habitat of held to raise employees’ awareness of biodiversity. of crop protection products can affect flora and fauna, for example, the monarch butterfly by influencing food sources. Minimizing these impacts while ensur- We also take biodiversity conservation into account in our produc- ing the necessary productivity is one of the biggest challenges The Alas para el Campo cooperation between the German tion. We are committed to complying with the provisions of interna- farmers are facing. Our Agricultural Solutions segment focuses on Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), BASF and partners tional environmental agreements such as the Nagoya Protocol. The four areas to help farmers to find the right balance: climate-smart from politics, academia, distributors and local communities was supplementary agreement to the U.N.’s Convention on Biological farming, sustainable solutions, digital farming and smart steward- launched in Mexico in 2019. The aim is to restore the natural Diversity regulates access to genetic resources and access and ship (see page 90). In this context, we work with farmers to create habitat of the monarch butterfly along its migration route. This benefit sharing. It sets out obligations (for example, compensation balanced agricultural systems which enable productive and efficient also protects other pollinators. The focus of the initiative is on payments) for the users of genetic resources such as plant-based farming of high-quality food products and at the same time promote introducing sustainable farming measures, good agricultural raw materials. We use internal control mechanisms to monitor com- biodiversity in the field. For example, we advise them on soil cultiva- practices and ecosystem conservation strategies, for the protec- pliance with standards. tion and look for suitable ways to improve biodiversity in farmlands. tion of pollinators and other beneficial insects. This enables Our many years of experience in sustainability measurement and farmers in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean to restore evaluation in agriculture are particularly useful here. natural habitats to promote biodiversity while laying the founda- Management of our product impact tion for sustainable yields and prosperity in their communities. Our AgBalance® method and the biodiversity calculator, which BASF offers products and solutions for a wide range of industries. We has been available since 2020, enable a scientifically sound want to ensure that our products meet our customers’ standards in assessment of the impact of agricultural practices on biodiversity. BASF started the global registration for a new, more environmentally quality and, through appropriate use, pose no risk to humans, animals Based on these assessments, we issue recommendations for friendly insecticide active ingredient in 2021. The active ingredient, TM or the environment. Our commitment to the objectives set forth by the measures such as planting flower strips or establishing nesting Axalion , enables farmers to control a wide range of piercing and ® Responsible Care charter of the International Council of Chemical places to benefit pollinators like wild bees and farmland birds. sucking pests that are harmful to crops. At the same time, it is highly Associations (ICCA) obligates us to continuously minimize the nega- Our modern seed solutions also enable better yield on existing compatible with beneficial insects such as pollinators. This supports tive effects of our products on the environment, health and safety and farmlands and thus help protect natural habitats. 1 We have defined “adjacent” as the area within a 3 km radius.

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