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Biodiversity BASF Report 2021 Management’s Report – Biodiversity 140 farmers in balancing agricultural productivity, environmental protec- example, BASF is a member of the Honey Bee Health Coalition, tion and societal demands. which aims to achieve healthy honey bee populations and support healthy populations of native and managed pollinators in productive Animal farming is essential to meeting growing global demand for agricultural systems and thriving ecosystems. BASF France is part products of animal origin such as meat, eggs and milk. Industrialized of the Entreprises pour l’environnement (EpE) network, which livestock production also requires large areas of agricultural land for launched the Act4nature campaign with the main objective of pro- growing feed, which has implications for the share of forest areas tecting and enhancing biodiversity. and biodiversity. BASF offers a range of feed additives such as enzymes, vitamins, glycinates and organic acids that improve nutri- Since 2013, we have also been working with different farmers ent utilization from feed. Better feed conversion and more sustain- and experts from the BASF FarmNetwork Sustainability, an able livestock production mean that less land is needed, preserving association of farms in Europe, to integrate more connected bio- natural ecosystems. diversity areas into agricultural production. Based on the insights gained from working together, an advisory board of experts from agriculture, nature conservation and environmental protection Strategic partnerships to promote biodiversity developed a biodiversity checklist and published it in 2021. This summarizes 10 ecologically effective and practicable measures to Engaging in ongoing dialog with a variety of stakeholders is import- promote biodiversity. Since 2021, BASF has supported farmers ant to BASF. That is why we seek out partnerships with relevant participating in its #wirzahlenBiodiversität (“We pay biodiversity”) interest groups and organizations worldwide to raise awareness of program financially and with professional advice. Our initiatives to biodiversity and drive forward the action needed to preserve natural preserve biodiversity help farmers to achieve the right balance habitats. This enables us to firstly share the knowledge gained from between economic and environmental factors and help them make our biodiversity activities and secondly learn from others to improve an important societal contribution to the preservation of ecosystems. our own practices. For more information on our responsible management of resources, see page 44 For more information on product stewardship, see pages 123 and 124 We cooperate with a number of organizations including the Round- For more information on our commitment to biodiversity, see table on Sustainable Palm Oil, the Sustainable Palm Oil Forum, For more information on our position on forest protection, see the Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture and the High Carbon Stock Approach Steering Group. The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is working to provide a framework for reporting on nature-related risks and related activities. In 2021, BASF joined the newly established TNFD Forum, a consul- tative network, to support this development. Our involvement in organizations such as the Alliance to End Plastic Waste and the Alliance for Water Stewardship (see page 135) help to preserve biodiversity in bodies of water. Together with international partners and based on dialog with stake- holders in the food value chain, we are driving forward measures to promote sustainable agriculture. In the United States, for

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