BASF Report 2021 To Our Shareholders – BASF on the Capital Market 14 BASF – a sustainable investment how they reduce risks such as water scarcity. CDP also evaluates the companies with Leadership status, as for climate protection and the extent to which product developments can contribute to water management. sustainable water management for customers of the companies At a glance assessed. BASF continues to implement its sustainable water BASF maintained its Prime status in the ISS ESG rating developed ▪ CDP again awards BASF Leadership status management target at all relevant production sites (Verbund sites by Institutional Shareholder Services and is among the top 7% of and sites in water stress areas). the companies assessed. BASF received special recognition for ▪ BASF maintains “Prime” status in ISS ESG rating address ing key sustainability issues such as environmental man- ▪ BASF recognized as a Global Compact LEAD company BASF participated in the CDP’s “Forests” assessment for the sec- agement, energy efficiency and business ethics with a comprehen- ond time in 2021 and was ranked A–, as in the previous year. As a sive set of measures and processes. participant in various value chains, BASF is committed to ending BASF has participated in the program established by the interna- deforestation in these supply chains. Consequently, BASF is one of tional organization CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) for reporting on data relevant to climate protection since 2004. CDP represents over 590 investors with over $110 trillion in assets and Key BASF share data more than 200 major organizations with $5.5 trillion in purchasing 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 power. In 2021, BASF again scored an A– on CDP’s Climate List, giving it Leadership status. In the scoring framework used by CDP Year-end price € 91.74 60.40 67.35 64.72 61.78 in 2021, BASF was ranked among the top third of participating Year high € 97.46 97.67 74.49 68.29 72.61 chemical companies. Year low € 79.64 58.40 56.20 39.04 57.88 Year average € 88.16 80.38 64.77 53.31 66.20 BASF was rated A– in the CDP assessment for sustainable water management. The assessment takes into account how transpar - ently companies report on their water management activities and Daily trade in sharesa million € 185.7 229.6 187.6 219.2 170.8 million shares 2.1 2.9 2.9 4.1 2.6 Further information on BASF stock Number of shares December 31 million shares 918.5 918.5 918.5 918.5 918.5 Securities code numbers Market capitalization December 31 billion € 84.3 55.5 61.9 59.4 56.7 Germany BASF11 United States (CUSIP number) 055262505 Earnings per share € 6.62 5.12 9.17 –1.15 6.01 ISIN International Securities Identification Number DE000BASF111 Adjusted earnings per share € 6.44 5.87 4.00 3.21 6.76 Dividend per share € 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.30 3.40 International ticker symbols Dividend yieldb % 3.38 5.30 4.90 5.10 5.50 Deutsche Börse BAS Payout ratio % 47 63 36 . 57 Pink Sheets / OTCQX BASFY (ADR) Price-earnings ratio (P/E ratio)b 13.9 11.8 7.3 . 10.3 Bloomberg (Xetra trading) BAS GY a Average, Xetra trading Reuters (Xetra trading) BASFn.DE b Based on year-end share price