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BASF Report 2021 Management’s Report – Emissions to Air, Waste and Remediation 133 Emissions to Air, Waste and Remediation guidelines. BASF’s global network of experts regularly shares infor- supply chain management. We support our suppliers in developing GRI 102, 103, 305, 306 mation, insights and best practices to further reduce our emissions and implementing measures for improvement, for example in waste SUPPLIERS BASF CUSTOMERS to air, manage waste and responsibly handle contaminated sites. management (see page 111). We offer our customers a wide range of products that can reduce air pollutants or waste – from industrial We want to minimize the impact of our activities on people Continuous documentation and monitoring of emissions to air, process catalysts, fuel additives and catalysts for the automotive and the environment by continually reducing emissions to waste streams and contaminated sites as well as the implementa- sector to additives and track-and-trace technologies to extend the air, preventing waste and protecting the soil. Our plants are tion of measures for improvement are an integral part of our environ- useful life of plastics or improve mechanical recycling of plastic operated safely and efficiently. We use resources responsibly mental management. In addition to greenhouse gases (see page waste. and are continually reducing the environmental impact of 126 onward), we also measure and analyze emissions of air pol lut- our plants and processes with our Operational Excellence ants to avoid potentially harmful substances as best possible. We are increasingly aligning our actions with the circular economy Program. principle. For example, we are increasingly using recycled and Our waste management is based on the systematic tracking of waste-based raw materials in our production, recycling operating At a glance material flows and follows a clear hierarchy: We aim to avoid waste supplies, and expanding our capacities for recovering precious as far as possible, for example, by continuously optimizing our pro- metals from spent automotive and industrial catalysts. We are also 26,358 metric 47.0% cesses or developing new production methods. BASF’s Verbund developing product-specific recycling technologies, often together structure with its networked plants and value chains is key here. We with partners along our value chains. For instance, we are driving tons Share of our waste recycled use it to efficiently manage our material flows. The by-products of forward the chemical recycling of mixed plastic waste and disposed Air pollutants or thermally recovered one plant serve as feedstock for other plants and processes else- foam mattresses and are working on new concepts for recycling from BASF operations where in the BASF Verbund, avoiding waste and enabling us to use battery materials. We are also involved in cross-industry networks raw materials as efficiently as possible. and initiatives to avoid waste and strengthen the circular economy. ▪ Improvements based on continuous monitoring of emissions These include the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (see box on to air and waste streams If these cannot be used within BASF’s Verbund structures, we page 134) and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. ▪ Circular concepts an important part of our activities assess whether they can be recycled or thermally recovered. Non- For more information on the circular economy, see page 44 ▪ Systematic management of contaminated sites recyclable materials are disposed of safely, appropriately and in an environmentally responsible manner. If we use external waste disposal companies, we conduct regular audits to ensure that waste is disposed of properly. In this way, we also contribute to Strategy preventive soil protection and keep today’s waste from becoming tomorrow’s contamination. If soil and groundwater contamination The safe and efficient operation of our plants and the responsible occurs at active or former sites, appropriate remediation measures management of resources and waste are core components of our are reviewed and implemented. Responsible Care Management system. We have defined our global standards for emissions to air, waste and contaminated sites in In addition to optimizing our own processes, we are committed to Group-wide guidelines, the implementation of which is the responsi- reducing the impact on air and soil and minimizing our disposal bility of the sites and subsidiaries. The Environmental Protection, volumes and material consumption along our value chains. We Health & Safety unit in the Corporate Center conducts regular expect our suppliers to comply with internationally recognized envi- audits to monitor compliance with legal requirements and internal ronmental standards. This is assessed as part of our sustainable

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