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Emissions to Air, Waste and Remediation BASF Report 2021 Management’s Report – Emissions to Air, Waste and Remediation 134 Emissions to air Waste Contaminated sites Total emissions of air pollutants from our production plants BASF generated 2.47 million metric tons of waste in 2021 (2020: We have global standards for managing contaminated sites. A amounted to 26,358 metric tons in 2021 (2020: 24,496 metric 2.21 million metric tons). Of this, 53.0% was disposed of. Hazard- worldwide network of experts ensures these are implemented. We ª). Emissions of ozone-depleting substances as defined by the tons ous waste accounted for 73.9% of the total disposed waste (2020: develop remediation solutions that balance nature conservation, Montreal Protocol totaled 17 metric tons in 2021 (2020: 14 metric 69.6%). Based on the concept of the circular economy, we are climate protection concerns, costs and social responsibility. This tons). We significantly reduced these emissions compared with continuously examining options for material or thermal recycling for means making differentiated decisions on a case-by-case basis, 2002 (229 metric tons) by successively shifting to alternative cool- all waste (see “Strategy”). In this way, we were able to find new uses founded on the legal framework and current technological stan- 1 ants. Emissions of heavy metals in 2021 amounted to 2 metric tons for 47.0% of our waste in 2021. We continuously identify and evalu- dards. Contaminated sites are documented in a database. Ongoing (2020: 2 metric tonsª). ate the safest and most environmentally sound disposal routes for remediation work around the world continued on schedule in 2021 non-recyclable waste. In 2021, most of our hazardous waste was and planning was concluded for future remediation projects. Emissions to air incinerated (77.7%), where possible with energy recovery. 7.6% of For more information on provisions for environmental protection, see the Notes to the Consolidated Metric tons hazardous waste was disposed of in landfill. This is mainly contami- Financial Statements on pages 224 and 260 Air pollutants from BASF operations 2021 2020 nated construction waste that cannot be reused or recycled due to CO (carbon monoxide) 3,951 3,731ª legal requirements. NO (total nitrogen oxides) 11,450 10,646ª X Good to know NMVOC 4,988 4,532ª Waste generation in the BASF Group (nonmethane volatile organic compounds) Million metric tons Hazardous Nonhazardous Alliance to End Plastic Waste SO (total sulfur oxides) 1,864 1,861 wastea wastea X Dust 2,154 2,000 2021 2020 2021 2020 In 2019, we co-founded the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) NH (ammonia) and other inorganic substances 1,951 1,711 Recycled 0.14 0.13 0.37 0.31 with other companies along the value chain – from plastics pro- 3 a Thermally recovered 0.52 0.43 0.13 0.09 ducers and consumer goods manufacturers to waste dis posal Total 26,358 24,496 companies. The AEPW now has around 65 members, who a The comparative figure for 2020 has been adjusted to reflect updated data. Waste recovered 0.66 0.56 0.50 0.40 together aim to develop solutions that stop plastic waste from We want to further reduce our emissions with various measures. For Through incineration 0.75 0.64 0.10 0.10 entering the environment, especially the ocean. There are four (without energy recovery) instance, we use catalysts to reduce nitrogen oxides or feed waste main focus areas: developing infrastructure for waste collection, gases back into the production process. One example is the nitrous In surface landfills 0.12 0.13 0.22 0.23 promoting innovative recycling methods, education and engage- oxide generated in the production of adipic acid at the Ludwigshafen Otherb 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.05 ment of various stakeholders, and cleanup of areas heavily site in Germany: 99% of this by-product is already decomposed or Waste disposed of 0.97 0.87 0.34 0.38 impacted by plastic waste. The initiative aims to invest up to used in the BASF Verbund. In the future, it will even be 99.9%. This Total waste generation 1.63 1.43 0.84 0.78 $1.5 billion by 2023. For instance, BASF supports the AEPW’s will be made possible by an automation project implemented a Waste is classified as hazardous or nonhazardous waste according to local regulations. goal of establishing a circular economy for plastics with its in 2021 to optimally control processes based on important plant b Physical/chemical and biological treatment, underground disposal TM ChemCycling project. parameters and using predictive model calculations. The aim is to For more information on the Alliance to End Plastic Waste, see avoid around 550 metric tons of nitrous oxide emissions annually, corresponding to around 145,000 metric tons of CO equivalents. 2 1 Heavy metals are included in the figure for dust (see the table “Emissions to air”).

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