BASF Report 2021 Corporate Governance – Corporate Governance Report 170 Share ownership by members of the Board of Information on the auditor Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of April 29, 2021, once again No member of the Board of Executive Directors or the Supervisory elected KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft as the auditor of Board owns shares in BASF SE and related options or other deriva- the BASF Group Consolidated Financial Statements and Separate tives that account for 1% or more of the share capital. Furthermore, Financial Statements of BASF SE for the 2021 business year, as well the total volume of BASF SE shares and related financial instruments as the corresponding management’s reports. KPMG member firms held by members of the Board of Executive Directors and the also audit the majority of BASF Group companies included in the Super visory Board accounts for less than 1% of the shares issued Consolidated Financial Statements. KPMG has been the continuous by the company. auditor of BASF SE since the 2006 Financial Statements. A public call to tender was issued in 2015 to all auditors for the audit of the Share dealings of the Board of Executive Directors 2016 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements, in line with and Supervisory Board the E.U. Regulation 537/2014 of April 16, 2014. Based on the (Obligatory reportable and publishable directors’ dealings results of the tendering process, the Audit Committee recom- under Article 19(1) of the E.U. Market Abuse Regulation mended to the Supervisory Board that it once again propose KPMG 596/2014 (MAR)) for election. Owing to the German Financial Market Integrity Strengthening Act (FISG), KPMG can only be proposed for election As legally stipulated by Article 19(1) MAR, all members of the Board by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting as BASF’s auditor without of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board as well as certain further tendering processes up to and including the 2023 business members of their families are required to disclose the purchase or year. Dr. Stephanie Dietz has been the auditor responsible for the sale of financial instruments of BASF SE (for example, shares, Consolidated Financial Statements since auditing the 2020 Financial bonds, options, forward contracts, swaps) to the German Federal Statements. Since the 2020 Financial Statements, the auditor Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienst- responsible for the Separate Financial Statements has been leistungsaufsicht) and to the company if transactions within the Dr. Stephan Kaiser. The total fee paid to KPMG and auditing firms calendar year exceed the threshold of €20,000. In 2021, a total of of the KPMG group by BASF SE and other BASF Group com- 26 purchases by members of the Board of Executive Directors and panies for non-audit services, in addition to the auditing fee, was the Supervisory Board and members of their families subject to €0.9 million in 2021. This represents around 4.7% of the fees for disclosure were reported as directors’ dealings, involving between auditing the financial statements. 18 and 2,500 BASF shares or BASF ADRs (American Depositary For more information, see Note 32 to the Consolidated Financial Statements on page 285 Receipts). The price per share was between €61.08 and €72.00. The volume of the individual trades was between €1,217.41 and €171,694.75. The disclosed share transactions are published on BASF SE’s website. For more information on securities transactions reported in 2021, see