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BASF Report 2021 Corporate Governance – Compliance 171 Compliance GRI 102, 103, 205, 206, 406, 407, 408, 409, 412, 413, 418, 419 Our Group-wide Compliance Program aims to ensure adherence to legal regulations, the company’s internal guidelines and ethical business practices. Our Code of Conduct firmly embeds these mandatory standards into our employees’ day-to-day business. Members of the Board of Executive Directors are also expressly obligated to follow these principles. Compliance Program and Code of Conduct We care We Earn Trust We Play Fair We Respect We Protect At a glance – Our Code of Conduct – Anti-Corruption – Antitrust Laws – Human Rights, Labor – Sensitive Company >53,000 77 – How We Make – Trade Control – Gifts and Entertainment and Social Standards Information participants in internal audits on adherence to Decisions – Anti-Money Laundering – Conflicts of Interest – Environmental – Personal Data compliance training our compliance standards – We Always Speak Up Protection, Health and – Digital Responsibility – We Lead Integrity Safety – Company Property ▪ Code of Conduct as the core of our Compliance Program ▪ Systematic further development of our compliance management – Accurate Books and system Records BASF’s Compliance Program is based on our corporate values A new platform for publishing binding Group-wide governance docu- focus on Group companies in 2021. The regular compliance audits and voluntary commitments, as well as international standards. It ments (policies, corporate requirements) provides a more effective performed by the Corporate Audit department are another source of describes our commitment to responsible conduct and expectations search function to make it easier for employees to find relevant regu- information for the systematic identification of risks. These risks are around how all BASF employees interact with business partners, lations. In addition, the managing directors of BASF Group compa- documented in the relevant risk or audit report. The same applies to officials, coworkers and the community. At the core of our Compli- nies can now find important information and assistance on ensuring specific risk minimization measures as well as the time frame for ance Program is the global, standardized Code of Conduct. All compliance in their Group companies on an internal website set up their implementation. employees and managers are obligated to adhere to its guidelines, especially for them. which cover topics ranging from corruption and antitrust laws to One key element in the prevention of compliance violations is human rights, labor and social standards, conflicts of interest and Abiding by compliance standards is the foundation of responsible compulsory training and workshops held as classroom or online trade control, and protection of data privacy. leadership. This has also been embedded in our values. We are courses. All employees are required within a prescribed time frame convinced that compliance with these standards will play a key role to take part in basic compliance training, refresher courses and The revised 2020 version also offers our employees user-friendly in securing our company’s long-term success. Our efforts are princi- special tutorials dealing with, for example, antitrust legislation, taxes features such as case studies, FAQs and additional references. The pally aimed at preventing violations from the outset. or trade control regulations. Newly appointed senior executives also corresponding internal online platform and app are available to receive special training on leading with integrity. Course materials employees worldwide, providing them continuously with up-to-date We perform a systematic risk assessment to identify the risk of and formats are constantly updated, taking into account the spe- content such as videos and links to other specialist units and guide- compliance violations, including corruption risks. These are con- cific risks of individual target groups and business areas. In total, lines as well as direct contact to subject specialists. ducted at divisional, regional and country levels, with an additional

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