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BASF Report 2021 Management’s Report – Innovation 50 We strengthen existing research focus areas and continually develop We want to continue advancing our research and development Eight Academic Research Alliances new key technologies that are of central significance for our operat- activities, especially in Asia. For instance, in 2021 we started the ing divisions, such as polymer technologies, catalyst processes or third expansion phase for the BASF Innovation Campus in Shanghai, Access to scientific expertise, biotechnological methods. China. With this expansion, BASF will strengthen its research and talented minds and new technologies development capabilities for advanced materials and systems as We promote creative and agile research approaches. We are driving well as for chemical engineering. Construction is expected to be forward the development of new business areas. For example, we completed by the end of 2022. The Northeast Research Alliance (NORA) and the California are developing innovative coating technologies and materials that Research Alliance (CARA) are located in the United States. NORA make innovative surfaces and functions possible. Functional films A strong presence outside Europe creates new opportunities for focuses on materials science and biosciences, catalysis research, can be used to reduce the frictional resistance of surfaces or improve developing and expanding our customer relationships and scientific digitalization and cooperation with startups. Teams at the interdisci- UV protection and weather resistance, for example. Our innovative collaborations as well as for gaining access to talented employees. plinary CARA research center are working on new functional mate- solutions help our customers to achieve their sustainability goals. This strengthens our Research and Development Verbund and rials, formulations, digital methods, catalysis, chemical synthesis, makes BASF an even more attractive partner and employer. and in engineering sciences and biosciences. As part of our Carbon Management R&D Program, we are carrying out intensive research into pioneering, low-carbon production pro- The number and quality of our patents also attest to our power of The Joint Research Network on Advanced Materials and Systems cesses for basic chemicals such as hydrogen (see page 132). This innovation and long-term competitiveness. In 2021, we filed around (JONAS) is active in Europe and concentrates on supramolecular will enable us to offer our customers products with a lower carbon 820 new patents worldwide. The Patent Asset Index, a method that chemistry, polymer chemistry and the incubation of sustainable footprint in the future. compares patent portfolios, once again ranked us among the lead- technologies. We are working on innovative components and mate- ing companies in the chemical industry in 2021. rials for electrochemical energy storage with the Karlsruhe Institute Employees in research and development For more information on innovation, see of Technology (KIT) at the Battery and Electrochemistry Laboratory (BELLA). At the joint Catalysis Research Laboratory (CaRLa), BASF is researching homogeneous catalysis in cooperation with the Uni- ~10,000 Global network versity of Heidelberg. BasCat is a joint laboratory operated by the UniCat cluster of excellence and BASF at the Technical University of Our global network of top universities, research institutes and com- Berlin, where new heterogenous catalysis concepts are being panies forms an important part of our Know-How Verbund. It gives explored together with the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Our global research and development presence – and its effec- us direct access to external scientific expertise, talented minds from Society, also based in Berlin. The iL (Innovation Lab) in Heidelberg, tiveness – is vital to our long-term success. This enables us to various disciplines as well as new technologies – and helps us to Germany, focuses on functional printing, printed sensors and IoT respond to the needs and requirements of the regional markets in a quickly develop targeted, marketable innovations, strengthen our (internet of things) applications. differentiated way and leverage growth potential. portfolio with creative new projects, and in this way, reach our growth targets. At the Network for Asian Open Research (NAO) in the Asia Pacific The Ludwigshafen site in Germany is and will remain the largest in region, research focuses on polymer and colloid chemistry, cataly- our Research Verbund. Investments there include a combined labo- Our eight academic research alliances bundle partnerships with sis, machine learning and smart manufacturing. ratory building for cleanroom and elemental analysis. The new several research groups in a region or with a specific research focus. building’s modern digitalization and automation solutions set new The Academic Research Alliances are complemented by coop- standards in safety and efficiency. It is scheduled to open in 2022. erative partnerships with around 280 universities and research insti- In addition, we will build a new Catalyst Development and Solids tutes as well as collaborations with a large number of companies. Processing Center in Ludwigshafen, Germany, by 2024 to bring For more information on our collaboration initiatives, see process innovations and new chemical catalysts to market faster.

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