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BASF Report 2021 Management’s Report – We Value People and Treat Them with Respect 99 Inclusion of diversity BASF is one of approximately 150 companies that support the 2030 target United Nations Global LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bi, trans and intersex) The global character of our markets translates into different cus- Standards of Conduct for business and has done so since 2018. Proportion of women in tomer requirements. We want to reflect this diversity among our Employees again promoted openness, acceptance and tolerance leadership positions with employees, too, because it enables them to better meet our with many activities to support the LGBTI movement at various sites disciplinary responsibility 30% customers’ needs. For us, diversity means, among other things, around the world in 2021. having people from different backgrounds working at our company who can draw on their individual perspectives and skills to grow Diversity also relates to the company’s demographic profile, which In order to continuously monitor our progress toward this target, our business. By valuing and promoting employee diversity, we varies widely by region within the BASF Group. Our aim is to create we have developed a global dashboard, which is used to regularly boost our teams’ performance and power of innovation, and a suitable framework to help maintain the employability of our per- review the implementation status. The systematic advancement of increase creativity, motivation and employees’ identification with sonnel at all stages of life and ensure the availability of qualified women is also an integral part of our process for selecting senior the company. employees over the long term. executives. Promoting and valuing diversity across all hierarchical levels is an BASF Group employee age structure As a signatory to the United Nations’ Women’s Empowerment Prin- integral part of our strategy and is also embedded in our corporate (Total: 111,047, of which 26.1% women, as of December 31, 2021) ciples (WEPs), we are committed to promoting gender equality. We values. BASF strives to foster a working environment based on Men Women are also involved in other external initiatives to promote inclusion of mutual respect, trust and appreciation. We expect inclusive conduct 42,531 diversity at work, such as the Chefsache initiative and the European from all employees and our leaders. By this, we mean creating an 38,798 Round Table. Employees from all regions took International 26.4% environment in which different aspects of diversity and individual 30.3% Women’s Day 2021 as an opportunity to reflect on the current situa- 21,511 strengths are valued. 18.0% tion of women at BASF, celebrate successes and campaign for 8,207 69.7% 73.6% 25.9% 82.0% greater equality. Our leaders play an important role in promoting diversity and creat- 74.1% ing an inclusive work environment. We support them with various Up to and 26–39 years 40–54 years 55 years Leaders and professionals in the BASF Group offerings, for example as part of leadership development. A toolbox including 25 years and up December 31, 2021 Of which women (%) with a wide range of content inspires a change of perspective and a (Senior) executivesa 9,006 25.6 podcast series from leaders shows the importance of appreciative, Professionalsb 40,030 32.5 fair and inclusive leadership. We also promote diversity in the selection and development of our leaders. We have set a global target to promote female leadership a Employees with disciplinary leadership responsibilities b Specialists without disciplinary leadership responsibilities Integrating different perspectives is very important to BASF. There and aim to increase the proportion of women in leadership posi- are a number of Employee Resource Groups around the world tions to 30% by 2030. We have made important progress toward For more information on diversity in the Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board, dedicated to different aspects of diversity. In addition, we want to this and continuously review our target. In the BASF Group, the see page 167 onward create a greater awareness of diversity in our organization with vari- global proportion of female leaders with disciplinary responsibility For more information on diversity and inclusion, see ous activities. BASF supports the German Diversity Charter and has was 25.6% at the end of 2021 (2020: 24.3%). participated in German Diversity Day and European Diversity Month with various virtual initiatives and offerings. At our Ludwigshafen site in Germany, we campaigned against racism and discrimination as part of the International Weeks Against Racism.

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