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BASF Report 2021 Management’s Report – Net Assets 61 Net Assets Assets Assets December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 Million € % Million € % At a glance Intangible assets 13,499 15.4 13,145 16.4 Property, plant and equipment 21,553 24.7 19,647 24.5 ▪ Increase in total assets to €87,383 million mainly due to higher current assets Integral investments accounted for using the equity method 2,540 2.9 1,878 2.3 ▪ Intangible fixed assets and property, plant and equipment around Non-integral investments accounted for using the equity method 9,843 11.3 10,874 13.5 €2.3 billion above the prior year -end figure overall Other financial assets 575 0.7 582 0.7 Deferred tax assets 2,600 3.0 3,386 4.2 Total assets amounted to €87,383 million as of December 31, 2021, Other receivables and miscellaneous assets 1,722 2.0 912 1.1 €7,091 million above the prior-year level. Noncurrent assets 52,332 59.9 50,424 62.7 Noncurrent assets rose by €1,908 million to €52,332 million. This Inventories 13,868 15.9 10,010 12.5 was mainly attributable to the €1,906 million increase in property, plant and equipment. Additions to property, plant and equipment Accounts receivable, trade 11,942 13.7 9,466 11.8 amounted to €4,410 million and included €332 million in connection Other receivables and miscellaneous assets 5,568 6.4 4,673 5.8 with the formation of BASF Shanshan Battery Materials Co., Ltd. Marketable securities 208 0.2 207 0.3 Currency effects of €798 million also contributed to the increase. Cash and cash equivalents 2,624 3.0 4,330 5.4 Depreciation amounted to €2,922 million. Intangible assets amounted Assets of disposal groups 840 1.0 1,182 1.5 to €13,499 million, €354 million above the prior year-end figure. The increase was due in particular to currency effects in the amount Current assets 35,051 40.2 29,868 37.3 of €572 million. Additions to intangible assets totaled €470 million Total assets 87,383 100.0 80,292 100.0 and included €392 million from the formation of BASF Shanshan Battery Materials, of which goodwill was €254 million. Amortization of €612 million had an offsetting effect. For more information on the above transactions see page 41 of this Management’s Report and Note 3 to the Consolidated Financial Statements from page 207 onward

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