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BASF Report 2021 Consoli dated Financial Statements – Notes 208 – Furthermore, BASF completed the purchase of 49.5% of The following overview shows the effects of acquisitions in 2021 and Vattenfall’s Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm on September 1, 2021. 2020 on the Consolidated Financial Statements. When acquisitions The transaction is not being reported as an acquisition because resulted in the transfer of assets or the assumption of additional the acquired assets do not constitute a business in accordance liabilities, the effects were shown as net amounts. with IFRS 3.2b, so it is not within the IFRS 3 scope of application. The transaction is therefore not included in the table to the right. In 2020, BASF acquired the following activity: Effects of acquisitions – BASF closed the acquisition of Solvay’s polyamide business (PA 6.6) on January 31, 2020. Domo Chemicals, Leuna, Germany, 2021 2020 was approved by the E.U. Commission as the buyer of the Million € %a Million € %a European polyamide business, which could not be acquired by Goodwill 254 3.4 21 0.3 BASF under the conditions imposed by the authorities. The trans- Other intangible assets 139 2.3 670 10.8 action broadened BASF’s polyamide capabilities with innovative products. It also enhanced the company’s access to growth Property, plant and equipment 332 1.5 559 2.8 markets in Asia as well as in North and South America. Through Financial assets 8 0.1 – – backward integration into the key raw material adiponi trile (ADN), Other noncurrent assets 11 0.3 108 2.5 BASF was integrated along the entire polyamide 6.6 value chain Noncurrent assets 744 1.4 1,358 2.7 and was able to improve supply reliability. The purchase price of Current assets 692 2.0 548 1.8 the business acquired by BASF was €1,319 million on a cash and of which cash and cash equivalents 52 2.0 68 1.6 debt-free basis. Of that amount, €1,308 million was already cash effective in 2020. The remaining purchase price should be paid in Assets 1,436 1.6 1,906 2.4 2022. The business was integrated into the Performance Materials and Monomers divisions. The transaction between Solvay and Equity 348 0.8 − − BASF included eight production sites in Germany, France, China, of which noncontrolling interests 348 27.0 – – India, South Korea, Brazil and Mexico, as well as research and Noncurrent liabilities 65 0.3 264 0.9 development and technical consultation centers in Asia and the Americas. It also included two share holdings in France, which are of which financial indebtedness 5 – – – accounted for as joint operations: The 50% interest in Current liabilities 371 1.8 334 2.1 Butachimie SNC, Chalampé, France, to pr oduce ADN and of which financial indebtedness 91 2.7 8 0.0 hexamethylenediamine, and the 51% interest in the newly Total equity and liabilities 436 0.5 598 0.7 established Alsachimie S.A.S., Chalampé, France, to produce Payments made for acquisitions 652 1,308 adipic acid. With the acquisition, around 700 Solvay employees Additions of cash and cash equivalents –52 – –68 – were transferred to BASF. Furthermore, some 1,000 employees of the Alsachimie S.A.S. and Butachimie SNC joint operations are to Payments made for acquisitions according to statement of 600 1,240 cash flows be included on a pro rata basis by BASF. Goodwill of €20 million resulted in particular from sales synergies. The majority of total a Proportional share in relation to the BASF Group goodwill was not tax deductible.

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