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BASF Report 2021 Consoli dated Financial Statements – Notes 283 30 Compensation of the Board of Executive Directors and Supervisory Board 31 Related party transactions Compensation of the Board of Executive Directors and Supervisory Board Related parties are legal or natural entities that can exert influence Million € on the BASF Group or over which the BASF Group exercises control 2021 2020 or joint control, or a significant influence. These primarily include Non-performance-related and performance-related cash compensation of the Board of Executive Directors 31.1 9.7 nonconsolidated subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated Fair value of options and performance share units allocated to the Board of Executive Directors in the fiscal year 12.3 12.1 companies. as of allocation datea Total compensation of the Board of Executive Directors 43.4 21.8 The following tables show the volume of business with related Service costs for members of the Board of Executive Directors 3.6 3.7 parties that are included in the Consolidated Financial Statements at amortized cost or accounted for using the equity method. The Compensation of the Supervisory Board 3.3 2.9 values include sales, receivables, other receivables, liabilities and Total compensation of former members of the Board of Executive Directors and their surviving dependents 14.3 12.5 other liabilities with respect to the disposal groups and/or discontinued operations. Pension provisions for former members of the Board of Executive Directors and their surviving dependents 196.9 209.0 Guarantees assumed for members of the Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board – – Sales and trade accounts receivable from and trade accounts a Members of the Board of Executive Directors were allocated option rights under the long-term incentive (LTI) program for the last time in 2020. payable to related parties mainly included business with own products and merchandise, agency and licensing businesses, and other operating businesses. The STI performance bonus is based on the performance of the In 2021, members of the Board of Executive Directors were Board of Executive Directors as a whole and the return on capital allocated 187,618 performance share units (PSUs) under the LTI Other receivables and liabilities primarily arose from financing employed (ROCE) of the BASF Group. Subject to certain conditions, performance share program (2020: 151,247 PSUs). Market activities, from accounts used for cash pooling, outstanding dividend ROCE is adjusted for special items from acquisitions and divesti- valuation of the PSUs of members of the Board of Executive payments, profit and loss transfer agreements, and other finance- tures. The conditions for a ROCE adjustment were not met in 2021. Directors resulted in an expense totaling €9.6 million in 2021 related and operating activities and transactions. (2020: €2.9 million). In the final allocation of options under the BOP LTI program in 2020, The Compensation Report is available at The increase in other receivables from nonconsolidated subsidiaries 166,272 option rights were allocated to the Board of Executive For more information on the members of the Supervisory Board and Board of Executive Directors, as well as the decrease from associated companies resulted Directors. including their memberships on other boards, see page 174 onward primarily from other finance-related receivables. Market valuation of the option rights of active and former members The decline in other liabilities to associated companies resulted from of the Board of Executive Directors resulted in income totaling other finance-related liabilities and contract liabilities. €0.8 million in 2021. In 2020, option rights led to an expense in the amount of €1.1 million.

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