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BASF Report 2021 Management’s Report – Nutrition & Care 87 Compared with the prior-year figure, income from operations Division sales by region (EBIT) before special items declined by €276 million to €497 mil- (Location of customer) lion due to lower earnings contributions from both divisions. The Divisions South America, Total Europe North America Asia Pacific Africa, Middle East (million €) decline in earnings in the Nutrition & Health division resulted from Care Chemicals 53% 18% 20% 9% 4,439 lower margins, driven by higher prices for raw materials and energy, the lower availability of vitamin A, and higher fixed costs, primarily Nutrition & Health 37% 18% 35% 10% 2,003 from higher bonus provisions. EBIT before special items in the Care Chemicals division decreased due mainly to higher fixed costs, largely as a result of higher bonus provisions. Division, products, applications Products Customer industries and applications EBIT declined by €134 million year on year to €554 million. It Care Chemicals Ingredients for skin and hair cleansing and care products, such as Cosmetics, detergent and cleaner industry, agrochemical industry, technical included special income from the sale of the production site in emollients, cosmetic active ingredients, polymers and UV filters applications for various industries Kankakee, Illinois, in the second quarter of 2021. In the previous Ingredients for detergents and cleaners in household, institution or year, EBIT included special charges, mainly for impairments and industry, such as surfactants, enzymes, chelating agents, water- provisions, primarily for the optimization of production structures in soluble polymers, biocides and products for optical effects the Nutrition & Health division. Chemical ingredients and processing additives, for example for crop protection, excipients for chemical processes such as emulsion For the outlook for 2022, see page 148 onward polymerization, metal surface treatments or textile processing, as well as products for concrete additives, biofuels and other industrial applications Nutrition & Health Additives for the food and feed industries, such as vitamins, Food and feed industries, flavor and fragrance industry, pharmaceutical carotenoids, sterols, enzymes, emulsifiers, omega-3 fatty acids industry and bioethanol industry Industrial enzymes for bioethanol and food production, natural and synthetic flavors and fragrances, such as citral, geraniol, citronellol, ® L-menthol and linalool, Isobionics Santalol, valencene and nootkatone Excipients for the pharmaceutical industry and selected, high-volume active pharmaceutical ingredients, such as ibuprofen and omega-3 fatty acids Production capacities of selected products in the regionsa Annual capacity Product South America, Europe North America Asia Pacific Africa, Middle East (metric tons) Anionic surfactants • • • • 550,000 Citral • • 78,000 Chelating agents • • • 170,000 Methane sulfonic acid • 30,000 Nonionic surfactants • • • 650,000 a All capacities are included at 100%, including plants belonging to joint operations and joint ventures.

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