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BASF Report 2021 Management’s Report – Product Safety 123 Product Safety aid measures, measures to be taken in the case of accidental and are continuously optimizing alternative methods to experi- GRI 102, 103, 416, 417 release, and disposal. Our global emergency hotline network mentally assess the safety and tolerance of our products without SUPPLIERS BASF CUSTOMERS enables us to provide information around the clock. In order to help animal studies. Our aim is to replace, reduce and refine animal users to quickly find out about our products and the risks associated studies to minimize the impact on them. W e made great progress We see product safety as an integral part of all business with them, we use the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) to classify toward this goal in 2021. For example, an animal-free toxicological processes, as an element of our risk management, and as an and label our products around the world, provided this is legally testing strategy jointly developed by BASF and Givaudan was ®. We important pillar of our commitment to Responsible Care permissible in the country concerned. We take into account any approved by the OECD – the first of its kind worldwide. The strategy continuously work to ensure that our products pose no risk national or regional modifications within the GHS framework, such comprises three individual alternative methods. By combining these to people or the environment when they are used responsibly as the E.U.’s CLP Regulation. methods, it is possible to test more precisely than in animal studies and in the manner intended. We aim to comply with all rele- whether a substance causes allergic skin reactions. vant national and international laws and regulations. We train our employees, customers and logistics partners world- wide on the proper handling and optimal use of selected products with particular hazard potential. Furthermore, in associations and Management of nano- and biotechnology Strategy together with other manufacturers, BASF is pushing for the estab- lishment of voluntary global commitments to prevent the misuse of Nanotechnology and biotechnology offer solutions for key societal We are committed to continuously minimizing the negative effects of chemicals. challenges – such as environmental and climate protection or health our products on the environment, health and safety and to the and nutrition. For example, nanomaterials can improve battery per- ongoing optimization of our products. This commitment to product formance and biocatalytic methods can improve process resource ® charter and the initia- safety is enshrined in our Responsible Care Global chemicals regulations efficiency. We want to harness the potential of both technologies. tives of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA). Using them safely and responsibly is our top priority. Safe handling Our products should not pose any risk to humans or the environ- Most of the products we manufacture are subject to statutory of nanomaterials is stipulated in our Nanotechnology Code of Con- ment when used responsibly and in the manner intended. We aim to chemicals regulations. We want to ensure compliance with these. duct, for instance. We produce a range of products with the help of comply with all relevant national and international laws and regula- We are bound by the relevant regional and national chemicals regu- biotechnological methods, including natural fragrances and flavors, tions. Our global requirements define rules, processes and lations, which continue to grow in number worldwide. Examples enzymes, vitamins or seeds for agriculture. This provides us with responsibilities, for example, to ensure uniformly high product safety include REACH in the E.U., TSCA in the United States and KKDIK in extensive experience in their safe use in research, development and standards worldwide. Our sites and subsidiaries are responsible for Turkey. BASF Group companies work closely together with a global production. We are guided by the code of conduct set out by implementing and complying with internal guidelines and legal network of experts to ensure that BASF complies with the applicable EuropaBio, the European biotechnology association, and want to requirements. The Environmental Protection, Health & Safety unit in regulations. adhere to all relevant standards and legal regulations governing the Corporate Center conducts regular audits to monitor this. production and marketing in our use of biotechnology. BASF’s global network of experts shares information, insights and best practices around product safety on an ongoing basis. Environmental and toxicological testing We maintain and evaluate environmental, health and safety data for Before launching products on the market, we subject them to a all of our substances and products in a global database. This infor- variety of environmental and toxicological tests using state-of-the- mation is continuously updated. The database forms the basis for art knowledge and technology. If we employ animal studies, we substance and product assessments and for our safety data sheets, adhere to the specifications laid down by the German Animal which we make available to our customers in around 40 languages. Welfare Act as well as the requirements of the Association for These include information on the physical/chemical, toxicological Assessment and Accr editation of Laboratory Animal Care – the and ecotoxicological properties of products, potential hazards, first highest standard for laboratory animals in the world. We develop

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