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BASF Report 2021 Management’s Report – In Focus: Sustainable Solutions 144 ® Avoiding CO through efficient thermal insulation Materials such as Infinergy can be recycled. The expanded poly- to southwest China and is suitable for applications such as gels and 2 urethane is used in products such as shoe soles thanks to its out- fluids, as well as novel products such as patches and jelly cosmetics. An important lever in reducing CO is the energy efficiency of build- standing spring and cushioning properties. Through a combination 2 ings. For a number of years now, we have also offered biomass of mechanical processing and finishing, Infinergy can be recycled balance versions of our proven insulating materials Styropor®, and regenerated with its original level of material quality. Reducing the environmental impacts of agriculture ® ® ® Neopor , Styrodur and Elastopir . Under a certified mass balance method, we replace 100% of the fossil raw materials used in the We also have sustainable solutions for packaging and food contain- The demand for food, feed and energy is increasing, while natural production of these product lines with renewable feedstocks. This ers made of cardboard, such as cups or boxes. Until now, these resources are limited. Agriculture is a key enabler in providing significantly reduces the carbon footprint of the end product – in the have typically been coated with a thin layer of polyethylene, which enough healthy, affordable food. Our innovative solutions help farm- ® BMB, by 66% per cubic meter of insulation panel case of Neopor provides a protective barrier to liquids. However, this plastic layer ers find the right balance between productive and sustainable ® ® compared with conventional Neopor . makes recycling difficult. With its Joncryl HPB 4K range, BASF has cultivation. One example is Revysol . The new fungicidal active developed a dispersion system that provides an excellent liquid ingredient controls several economically important fungal diseases barrier. Unlike conventional solutions, it is water-based. This makes in several key crops globally. Its enhanced efficacy, improved selec- Creating new products from waste it possible to efficiently recycle coated cardboard. tivity and favorable regulatory profile allows farmers to maximize yield and to reduce the need to convert more natural habitat to Our innovative technologies and solutions help to reduce waste ®’s performance and its formulation innovation, farmland. Revysol generation and increase the amount of waste that can be recycled. Natural ingredients for industrial and consumer goods which provides long-lasting protection under critical weather condi- One example is our portfolio of plastics additives. Among other tions, avoids the need for repeated fungicide applications. Revysol® things, these additives help to reduce waste by improving the dura- Both industrial users and end consumers are increasingly interested helps to significantly reduce CO emissions per ton of crop. 2 bility of materials. Additives also enable improved mechanical recy- in nature-based ingredients. We are addressing this trend with a TM TM cling. For example, the IrgaCycle product series launched in 2021 growing portfolio of plant-based solutions. One example is BASF tapped the Brazilian market with Pingo Doce watermelons, helps our customers avoid certain quality problems in mechanically ® APG 215 for the wood processing industry. Used as an introducing not only high-quality seeds but also a new business Disponil recycled plastics. This means that recycled plastics can also be adjuvant in production, this surfactant increases the bond strength model. BASF provides technical support to farmers and demon- used for higher-value applications and recycled content can be of medium-density fiberboard (MDF). This enables manufacturers to strates best practices in efficient water management, fertilization increased in the manufacture of new products. achieve a denser and smoother surface and with it, improved and traceability to establish sustainable production. Regular quality water-repellent properties compared with conventional manufactur- controls are carried out to check the sweetness, color and size of In addition to our mechanical recycling solutions, we are driving ing processes. Disponil® APG 215 also offers energy saving potential the watermelons in order to reduce the amount of fruit rejected by TM forward chemical recycling (see page 115). In our ChemCycling in the production process and is 100% based on natural, renewable supermarkets. This new approach delivers a product that benefits project, our technology partners convert waste such as used tires or plant-based raw materials. farmers, consumers and the environment alike. mixed plastic waste, which was not previously recycled, into pyroly- sis oil. We can feed this pyrolysis oil into our Verbund structure in Alongside the natural trend, sensory characteristics such as consis- place of fossil raw materials and use it to make new products based tency and texture play an important role in skin and hair care. That is on a certified mass balance approach. This reduces waste, saves why we are researching and developing alternatives to synthetic resources and simultaneously reduces the carbon footprint of our ingredients and excipients for cosmetics and personal care prod- ® TM ® products. One example is Styropor Ccycled , which is used to ucts. One example is Hydagen Clean. Launched on the market in manufacture products like insulated transport boxes for temperature- 2021, the biopolymer is characterized by its ease of use and high sensitive goods such as coronavirus vaccines. Another application quality. It can be processed in both cold and hot water and is bio- is functional textiles. For example, VAUDE will be launching outdoor degradable. It is extracted from the tuber of the konjac plant native ® TM pants made using our Ultramid Ccycled polyamide from 2022.

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