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BASF Report 2021 Consoli dated Financial Statements – Notes 213 4 BASF Group list of shares held pursuant to 5 Reporting by segment and region and customer proximity, particularly products that con tribute to the section 313(2) of the German Commercial Code circular economy as well as sustainable production methods help (HGB) The BASF Group’s business is operated by 11 divisions, grouped differentiate BASF from its competitors. into six segments: The list of consolidated companies and the complete list of all – Chemicals: Petrochemicals, Intermediates The Industrial Solutions segment consists of the Dispersions & companies in which BASF SE holds shares as required by – Materials: Performance Materials, Monomers Resins and the Performance Chemicals divisions. The segment section 313(2) HGB as well as information on the exemption of – Industrial Solutions: Dispersions & Resins, Performance develops and markets ingredients and additives for industrial subsidiaries from accounting and disclosure obligations are an Chemicals applications, such as polymer dispersions, resins, electronic integral component of the audited Consolidated Financial – Surface Technologies: Catalysts, Coatings materials, antioxidants and additives. Its customers come from key Statements submitted to the electronic Federal Gazette (Bundes- – Nutrition & Care: Care Chemicals, Nutrition & Health industries such as automotive, plastics and electronics as well as anzeiger). The list of shares held is also published online. – Agricultural Solutions: Agricultural Solutions energy and resources. The pigments business was part of the For more information, see Dispersions & Pigments division until June 30, 2021. The division The divisions are allocated to the segments based on their business was renamed Dispersions & Resins as of July 1, 2021, following the models and according to their focal points, customer groups, the divestiture of the global pigments business. focus of their innovations, their investment relevance and sustainability aspects. The Surface Technologies segment bundles chemical solutions for surfaces in the Catalysts and Coatings divisions. Its portfolio range The Chemicals segment comprises the Petrochemicals and serves the automotive and chemical industries and includes Intermediates divisions and is the cornerstone of BASF’s Verbund catalysts, battery materials, automotive OEM and refinish coatings, structure. It supplies the other segments with basic chemicals and surface treatment, and precious and base metal services. intermediates, contributing to the organic growth of the key value Innovations and solutions customized in collaboration with our chains. In addition to internal transfers, the segment mainly serves customers in the field of sustainable mobility are a key growth driver customers in downstream industries, especially in the chemical and for this segment. plastics industries. The segment’s competitiveness is strengthened by technological leadership and operational excellence, process The Nutrition & Care segment comprises the Care Chemicals and product innovations as well as the development of sustainable division and the Nutrition & Health division. This segment produces technologies. ingredients and solutions for consumer applications in the areas of nutrition, home and personal care. Its customers include food and The Materials segment is composed of the Performance Materials feed producers as well as the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and the and the Monomers divisions. The segment offers advanced materials detergent and cleaner industries. The segment’s competitiveness is and their precursors for new applications and systems. Its product strengthened, among other things, by focusing on new business portfolio includes isocyanates and polyamides as well as inorganic models and sustainability trends in the consumer goods markets, basic products and specialties for plastics and plastics processing. for instance expanding the portfolio with bio-based and bio- In addition to specific technological knowledge, industry expertise degradable products.

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