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BASF Report 2021 Consoli dated Financial Statements – Notes 230 10.3 Other shareholdings and financial assets 11 Financial result Financial result Net income from other shareholdings Million € Million € 2021 2020 2021 2020 Interest income from cash and cash equivalents 158 146 Dividends and similar income 32 18 Interest and dividend income from securities and loans 10 18 Income from the disposal of / write-up of 14 136 Interest income 168 164 shareholdings Income from profit transfer agreements / tax Interest expenses –482 –537 allocation to shareholdings 1 3 Interest result –314 –373 Income from other shareholdings 47 157 Expenses from loss transfer agreements –72 –63 Reversals of write-downs on / income from securities and loans 16 22 Write-downs on / losses from the sale of –53 –78 Net interest income from other long-term personnel obligations 2 – shareholdings Income from the capitalization of borrowing costs 29 30 Expenses from other shareholdings –125 –141 Interest income on income taxes 42 35 Net income from other shareholdings –78 16 Miscellaneous financial income 6 31 Net income from other shareholdings in 2021 decreased year on Other financial income 94 118 year by €94 million due primarily to lower income from the Write-downs on / losses from securities and loans –5 –56 measurement of shareholdings at fair value. Net interest expense from underfunded pension plans and similar obligations –82 –108 Net interest expense from other long-term personnel obligations – –2 Carrying amounts of other financial assets Unwinding the discount on other noncurrent liabilities –9 –11 Million € Dec. 31, 2021 Dec. 31, 2020 Interest expenses on income taxes –24 –20 Other shareholdings 514 533 Miscellaneous financial expenses –96 –10 Long-term securities 61 49 Other financial expenses –215 –207 Other financial assets 575 582 Other financial result –122 –89 Financial result –436 –462

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