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We create chemistry for a sustainable future – overview of 1 sustainability goals and KPIs Effective climate protection Target 2021 status SDG Sustainable product portfolio Target 2021 status SDG 2 ≤ 16.4 20.2 4 €22.0 €24.1 Reduce our absolute CO2 emissions Achieve €22 billion in Accelerator sales by 25% by 2030 million million by 2025 billion billion (development of carbon emissions compared metric metric with baseline 2018)3 tons tons 2 Employee engagement and diversity Target 2020 status SDG Achieve net zero CO emissions by 2050 2 Increase the proportion of women in 30% 25.6% leadership positions with disciplinary Resource efficiency and safe production Target 2021 status SDG responsibility to 30% by 2030 Reduce worldwide process safety incidents ≤ 0.1 0.3 per 200,000 working hours to ≤ 0.1 by 2025 More than 80% of our employees feel that at > 80% 82% BASF, they can thrive and perform at their Reduce the worldwide lost-time injury rate  ≤ 0.1 0.3 best per 200,000 working hours to ≤ 0.1 by 2025 Responsible procurement Introduce sustainable water management at 100% 53.5% Cover 90% of our relevant spend5 with 90% 85% our production sites in water stress areas sustainability evaluations by 2025 and at our Verbund sites by 2030 Have 80%of our suppliers improve their 80% 74% sustainability performance upon re-evaluation 1 Targets as published in the BASF Report 2021 2 The goal includes Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. Other greenhouse gases are converted into CO equivalents according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. 2 3 2030 target compared with 1990: 60% CO reduction 38 December2022 | BASF ESG Investment Story 4 2 Products with substantial contribution to sustainability 5 Relevant spend; based on risk matrices, purchasers’ assessments and other sources

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